「口コミ」って英語でどう言うの? - word of mouth【例文あり】

ウィンザー英会話ブログ:「word of mouth」ってどういう意味?口の言葉?! -  口コミ

「口コミ」は英語で「word of mouth」と言い、人が会話を通じて情報を共有することを指します。直接話すことで相手に何かを伝える方法です。

この記事では「word of mouth」の使い方をご紹介します。


「word of mouth」の意味

もし彼らが行ったことのある素晴らしいレストランを教えてくれたら、それが「word of mouth」です。

人々は広告よりも友人や家族からのおすすめを信頼する傾向があるため、「word of mouth」は有力なツールです。


「word of mouth」の例文

ウィンザー英会話ブログ:「word of mouth」ってどういう意味?口の言葉?! -  口コミ

「word of mouth」は通常「by」または「through」と一緒に使います。


・We get most of our new students through word-of-mouth recommendations.
・We get most of our new students by word-of-mouth recommendations.

・I found this restaurant through word of mouth.
・I found this restaurant by word of mouth.


「word of mouth」の使用頻度

下記のGoogle Books Ngram Viewer 見ると、この英語表現が過去にどの程度使われてきたかを確認することができます。


[English version]


"口コミ" in English is “word of mouth”. It refers to the sharing of information through conversations between people. It's a way of communicating something to others by talking to them directly.

For example, imagine you're looking for a good restaurant to go to. You could search for recommendations online, but you might also ask your friends or family members for their opinions. If they tell you about a great restaurant they've been to, that's word of mouth. It's a way of sharing information through personal conversations.

Word of mouth is a powerful tool because people tend to trust recommendations from friends and family more than advertisements. For our school it has been one of the main ways we find new students. Many of our new students are recommended to our school from our existing students and that is something we are truly grateful for. 


We usually use word of mouth together with by or through. It can be written with or without hyphens as in the examples below.
Ex 1: We get most of our new students through / by word-of-mouth recommendations.
Ex 2. I found this restaurant through / by word of mouth. 

Usage through time

You can check this link to see how often this expression has been used through time. As we can see the usage of this word has been somewhat stable over the past 200 years but has increased significantly in the past 20 years as humanity has become more interconnected and word of mouth also refers to social media posts and online reviews.