Strange Christmas Traditions - 風変わりな、クリスマスの風習

Hello everyone, once again the festive season is upon us and it’s time for some serious end of year parties and yuletide fun. I hope everyone likes the Christmas decorations we have put up in Kensington Akasaka, a special thank you to Aya for coming in on her day off to decorate the tree. Apologies for the squeaking bell ornament that was driving everyone crazy last weekend we are working to rectify the problem as swiftly as possible.

Christmas in Japan never quite does it for me I’m sorry to say, it seems like a big lead up to nothing actually happening on the day and the idea of queueing up to buy KFC chicken on Christmas day was always a bit beyond my understanding…..until I found this list of weird Christmas traditions from around the world. There were originally 35 but in true Tim fashion I’ve picked the top 10.

1: South Africa
On Christmas day the local delicacy is deep fried caterpillars of the emperor moth.

2: Catalonia
There is a tradition known as the ‘Tio de nadal’ The pooping log! A log is decorated with a face and a blanket then thrown in the fire and beaten with sticks.

3: Norway
There is no cleaning on Christmas eve, all cleaning products are hidden away until after Christmas.

4: Venezuela
In Caracas, everyone rollerskates to Christmas Mass.

5: Greenland
Some pretty unusual Christmas foods here, Mattak which is raw whale skin served with blubber, and Kiviak, which is 70 dead auk birds stuffed into a seal skin and left to ferment for 7 months!

6: Ukraine
In Ukraine the traditional tinsel and baubles aren’t used to decorate the tree, they use fake spider webs instead.

7: Wales
Mari Lwydd is performed in some villages, a villager is chosen to parade through the streets with the skull of a mare on the end of a stick.

8: Great Britain
An age old tradition that states every member of the family must stir the Christmas pudding in a clockwise direction before it’s cooked, making a wish as they do.

9: Slovakia
In slovakia the most senior male member of the family takes a spoonful of Loksa pudding and throws it at the ceiling. The more that sticks the better.

10: South Africa
Children are told the story of Danny a boy who angered his grandmother by eating all the Christmas cookies so she killed him. The grandmother’s spirit is said to haunt houses at Christmas time.

So there you have it, actually KFC buying was on the list too, it said that the tradition began in 1976 when a powerful advertising campaign by the fast food chain convinced everyone that is was the place to be at Christmas.

Have a great Christmas and new year everyone. I look forward to seeing you all again next year.


Tim’s Blog - Christmas Films クリスマスの映画

I think that most of you have realised by now how much we at Kensington like Christmas. One of my favourite parts of Christmas is watching Christmas-themed or Christmas-set films.


This year I am planning to spend the festive season watching a selection of such films together with the non-Christmas related Star Wars Episodes IV,V and VI in an effort to initiate my daughter to the Star Wars universe so she may agree to watch Episode VII in the cinema with me. Never was a crazy Star Wars fan but I can remember how fascinated I was when I watched the earlier films when I was a young boy. If I could recreate a small part of that magic for my daughter, that would make me a very happy dad indeed.


Following are some of my favourite Christmas films. They are all related to Christmas with the exception of “The Great Escape” which is neither Christmas-themed nor Christmas-set but is very usually aired at Christmas in the UK.


The reviews are taken from “The Rotten Tomatoes”


It’s a Wonderful Life (1946)

“The holiday classic to define all holiday classics, It's a Wonderful Life is one of a handful of films worth an annual viewing.”



Elf (2003)

“A movie full of Yuletide cheer, Elf is a spirited, good-natured family comedy, and it benefits greatly from Will Ferrell's funny and charming performance as one of Santa's biggest helpers.”



About a Boy (2002)

“A winning comedy that benefits from Hugh Grant's boyish charms.”



A Christmas Carol (1984)

“A great and eternally heart-warming film that can stand an appreciative viewing every year through every decade.”



The Great Escape (1963)

“With its impeccably slow-building story and a cast for the ages, The Great Escape is an all-time action classic.”



Merry Christmas to everyone!!



Tim’s Best of the Year - ティムのベスト・オヴ・ザ・イヤー

Everyone that knows me knows that I love making lists and with the end of the year coming, it’s a perfect time for a “Best of the Year” list.


Best Film I watched this Year


Truth is that I couldn’t really watch many films this year and most of the films that I could watch needed to be family friendly to protect my daughter from any possible traumatic experiences. I did manage to watch a few good films though some of which were “Mad Max”, “Inside Out”, “Whiplash”, “Birdman” and “Guardians of the Galaxy” but the best film I watched in 2015 was “Interstellar”, a gripping, incredibly ambitious Science Fiction film that I think will be regarded as a masterpiece for decades to come.

実のところ、今年はそれほどたくさん映画を見られず、見たものはほとんど、娘が怖い思いをしないようにと、家族向けのものにならざるを得ませんでした。しかしながら、いいものも何とか数本は見ることができました。『マッド・マックス』 『インサイド・ヘッド』『セッション』『バードマン あるいは無知がもたらす予期せぬ奇跡』『ガーディアンズ・オブ・ギャラクシー』などです。でも2015年で一番よかったのは『インターステラー』。心をわしづかみにする、非常に野心的なSF映画で、今後数十年にわたって、名作とされることでしょう。

Best Album I listened to this Year


Unfortunately I couldn’t really listen to much new music either this year, though I was able to revisit some classic albums I hadn’t heard for ages such as Miles Davis “Sketches of Spain” and John Coltrane’s “Giant Steps”.  In regards to new music I listened to this year there was one album that really stood out, and that was D’Angelo’s “Black Messiah”.


Best Book of the Year


This one is pretty hard. I always try to alternate between fiction and non-fiction and I’ve read some wonderful books in both categories so far this year. The best non-fiction book I read was the “Steve Jobs” biography by Walter Isaacson and the runner-ups were “Creativity, Inc” by Ed Catmull, a book about how Pixar cultivates and sustains an environment of creativity, and “The War that ended Peace” by Margaret MacMillan, a book about how Europe stumbled onto the First World War.

これはかなり難しいですね。いつもフィクションとノンフィクションをとり混ぜて読むようにしていまして、今年はこれまでにどちらのいい本も読みました。一番よかったノンフィクションは、ウォルター・アイザックソンによる伝記 『スティーブ・ジョブズ』、次によかったのは、エドウィン・キャットマル『ピクサー流 想像するちからー小さな可能性から大きな価値を生み出す方法』、それと、マーガレット・マクミラン『平和を終わらせた戦争』、これは、ヨーロッパの、第一次世界大戦によるつまずきを描いたものです。

As for fiction the best book I read this year was “The Goldfinch” by Donna Tartt, an almost 1000 page novel exploring themes of loss, grief, friendship and the timelessness of art. I absolutely loved every page of it. Runner up is “The Tiger’s Wife” by Tea Obreht.


Best Food of the Year


Food. I love good food. And Japan is a paradise for good food. This year I ate some marvellous Vietnamese food in our hotel in Vietnam, I ate great food at reasonable prices at my favourite Italian near my house, enjoyed eating at various of Fukuoka’s great restaurants, a number of delicious hotpot dishes at home but the undisputed champion of this category is the Kaiseki restaurant we went to in Shiga. The best place I have eaten in my life. Every single dish was delicious.


How about you? What were your best of the year? Please feel free to share with us at Kensington as our last classes for the year are approaching.




Dvd Borrowing


We, at Windsor, are very excited to announce that from now on, you will be able to borrow DVDs from our library! We decided to start a DVD collection for our students so you can improve your listening skills and possibly your cultural (pop culture) knowledge.


The first DVDs we bought for you are the first season of a very very famous American sitcom called “Friends”. “Friends” aired for ten years from 1994 and became a huge success because of its very likeable leads, its pretty good writing and the good chemistry between the young stars. I think it is almost impossible to find a Western person over 20 that has never heard of “Friends”.


The reason we chose it as our first DVD set is that as a sitcom, though the situations can sometimes be quite unrealistic, the English used is mostly everyday English that may be not so hard to understand. Additionally. “Friends”, as one of the most successful shows in TV history, did have a significant cultural impact.


When watching TV dramas or films trying to understand the whole thing at one go is almost impossible for all but the most advanced of students, so it is best to concentrate on each scene separately, and while your studying method may vary, we’d recommend a combination of the following:


  • First, watch the whole episode with Japanese subtitles, so you can understand the premise.


  • Second, watch the scenes that interest you without any subtitles so you test how much of the English you can catch / understand. (Try to concentrate as much as you can on listening)


  • Thirdly, watch it with English subtitles and try to repeat the language (it may be a good idea to concentrate on language that you think is useful)


  • Finally, write down any expressions/vocabulary that you don’t understand and check them on the internet or on a dictionary or ask us at Kensington!


The steps above are just an idea, you can flip or add steps; basically you can use the DVDs anyway you wish, but please remember to concentrate on listening; if you just sit back watching a film or a TV drama with Japanese subtitles without concentrating on the audio then it has probably zero effect on your English ability.


You can find the transcripts of all the “Friends” episodes here:


We are planning to get many more DVDs for you to enjoy and study. Remember that you need to become a member of the library to use its services and there are two ways to do so:


  • Pay for lifetime at a  cost of 2000yen.


  • Buy extra tickets which not only are at an excellent price but also include library membership.



Top Business English Words from the Recession pt. 2 景気後退時において使用頻度の高い、ビジネス英語表現 その2

This is the second part of business English words that dominated the headlines during and after the Lehman shock. An essential read for upper intermediate and  advanced Business English speakers. (From the Cambridge Dictionaries online.)


toxic debt

 debt that has little chance of being paid back or of being paid back with interest, or an asset of which this is true
The trading of toxic debt was one of the major causes of the financial crisis.
double-dip recession
 a period of time during which economic activity goes down, increases a little, and then goes down again
The Tankan survey suggest that Japan is entering a double-dip recession.

bad bank

 a bank that takes bad assets (= assets that have lost their value) and bad loans (= debts that are unlikely to be paid back) from other banks or organizations and deals with them in order to help with economic problems
The Treasury is creating a bad bank that will take on the toxic assets that have damaged the global banking system.


 a situation in which prices keep rising but economic activity does not increase
Japan could fall into “stagflation”–a combination of stalled growth and rising prices–if Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s pro-growth push fails, Morgan Stanley says in its new economic outlook.

Top Business English Words from the Recession pt.1 - 景気後退時において使用頻度の高い、ビジネス英語表現 その1

The Lehman shock may have occurred more than 6 years ago, but the world is very much still living its effects. Here is the first part of some business English words that dominated the headlines during that time. This is especially useful for advanced or upper intermediate Business English students that read newspapers or watch business news. (From the Cambridge Dictionaries online.)


 credit crunch

 economic conditions that make financial organizations less willing to lend money, often causing serious economic problems
After the Lehman shock the world went through a major credit crunch.

austerity measures

 official action by a government to reduce the amount of money it spends, or the amount of money that people in a country spend

The Greek government  imposed severe  economic austerity measures during the Euro crisis.


 a loan or other financial support that is given to a person, company, or country to help them when they are in financial difficulties
 財政問題を抱える個人・会社・国を救済する目的で行われる、 貸し付けその他の財政支援
The bailout of troubled banks post-Lehman was a politically unpopular but ultimately necessary measure.

too big to fail

 describing a bank that is so important to the economy of a country that the government will give it public money to prevent it from failing. This happened with many big banks between 2008-2009

UK taxpayers funded too big to fail banks with billions of pounds, which makes the latest round of public spending cuts very hard to take.

ビジネス英会話でよく使う表現 No.7

Idioms can be very difficult for non-native speakers of English to follow but they are very frequently found in the business world. Following you will find some very usual expressions that are used regularly by businessmen and in business publications around the world.


bring (something) to the table

- contribute something of value to a discussion, project,

Jane brings a lot of skills to the table but she also has very serious character flaws.


- 話し合いや企画に有用なことをもたらす


in the long run

- over a long period of time

The company has been losing money recently but in the long run they should be able to make a profit.


- 長期にわたっては


line of products

- A group of related products manufactured by a single company.

Apple will introduce their brand new line of products in Grand Hyatt hotel in Fukuoka!!


- 1つの会社によって製造された、一連の商品群


put (something) on hold

- to postpone a project

We decided to put the construction of a Twin Tower replica called “The Windsor Towers” in Yakuin on hold after a key investor withdrew.


- 計画を延期すること


run an ad

- to broadcast / publicise an advertisement

Fukuoka bank stopped running the ads after a series of complaints.


- 広告を放送・宣伝すること


British Slang – Part 2 - イギリスのスラング・その2

This is the second part of some very usual British slang expressions.



In British slang terms, ‘dodgy’ refers to something wrong, illegal, or just plain ‘off’, in one way or another.

Ex.1  I had a dodgy kebab last night and I don’t feel right.

Ex.2  There’s just something dodgy about him, I wouldn’t trust him.


ブリティッシュ・スラングでは、dodgy は「不審な」「胡散臭い」または単純にいろいろな点で「イケてない」ことを表します。

例1) 前の夜にヘンなケバブ(中東の焼肉料理)食ってさ、何かしっくりしないんだ。

例2) あいつは何か怪しい、信じるわけにはいかん。


One very commonly-used British phrase, ‘rubbish’ is used to mean general waste and trash, to also express disbelief in something to the point of ridicule and to describe something as very bad.

Ex.1 I take the rubbish out every Tuesday and Friday.

Ex.2 What? Are you serious? Don’t talk rubbish.

Ex.3 I thought his new film was rubbish.


よく使われるものの1つで、イギリスならではの言い回しです。rubbish はゴミやがらくたを広く意味しますが、ばかにしたくなるほど信用できないということや、非常に悪いということも表します。

例1) ゴミは毎週火曜と金曜に出します。

例2) 何っ?本気かよ?アホなこと言うな。

例3) 彼の新しい映画はほとんどクズだと思う。


‘Brilliant’ is not a word exclusively in the British lexicon, but has a very British usage. Specifically, when something is exciting or wonderful, particularly when something is good news, ‘brilliant’ can mean as such.

Ex. You got the job? That’s brilliant!


Brilliant はイギリス英語でのみ使われる言葉ではありませんが、とてもイギリスらしい使い方があります。特に、わくわくすることや素晴らしいこと、とりわけよい知らせがあるときに、brilliant が使えます。

例) 仕事、見つかったの?そりゃすごい!

Taking The Piss

Given the British tendency to mock and satirise anything and everything possible, ‘taking the piss’ is in fact one very popular and widely-used British slang term. To ‘take the piss’ means to mock something, parody something, or generally be sarcastic and derisive towards something.

Ex. Jonathan was taking the piss of his boss again last night. It was absolutely brilliant!!


できる限りは何でもからかって皮肉る、イギリス人の傾向を考えると、taking the piss は、実際とても人気で広く用いられるブリティッシュ・スラングの1つです。Take the piss は、「ばかにする」「まねっこする」、または一般的に皮肉で嘲笑的であることを意味します。

例) 昨日の夜さ、ジョナサンがまた上司をおちょくっててさ。絶対すんげーぜ!

British Slang - Part 1 - イギリスのスラング・その1

As you know we at Windsor love all things British and one major part of the English language is British slang which of course is evolving, adapting and changing from city to city and from year to year.


Here is the first part of some very usual British slang terms. Please try and use them during our classes or between them with our teachers.



‘Mate’ is a very commonly used term in British English. It means friend or companion and is also used as a friendly form of address between men or boys.

Ex. One of my mates is going to come over tomorrow for a couple of drinks.


Mate という言葉は、イギリス英語でよく使われます。「友達・仲間」を意味し、男性同士や少年同士の親しい呼びかけにも用いられます。

例) 仲間が1人、明日ちょっと飲みに来るんだ。


‘Knackered’ – a great word and phrase used to describe your tiredness and exhaustion.

Ex. I am absolutely knackered today.


Knackered – 疲れを表すのに使われる素晴らしい言葉です。

例) 今日は、すっげーくたくただ。


‘Gutted’ – a British slang term that means bitterly disappointed or upset.

Ex. I was absolutely gutted when I heard that you lost your job. Hang in there, mate!


Gutted – ひどく落ち込んだり、ショックを受けたりしていることを意味するブリティッシュ・スラングです。

例) お前の仕事がなくたったって聞いて、めっちゃショックやん。踏ん張れ、相棒!


‘Cheers’ of course means ‘celebrations’ when toasting a drink with some friends, but in British slang, it also means ‘thanks’ and is also used to end a conversation.

Ex1. Cheers for getting me that drink, Paul.

Ex2. Cheers, mate. I’ll talk to you later!


Cheers は、友人達と乾杯するときの、祝福の言葉を意味することはもちろんですが、ブリティッシュ・スラングでは、「ありがとう」という意味もあり、会話の終わりにも使われます。

例1) おごってくれるお前に乾杯、ポール。

例2) ありがと、相棒。それじゃまた!

TOEIC単語リスト・場所関連の重要単語カード No.2

This is the second part of words necessary for beginner and lower intermediate students associated with places.


leave     去る、離れる

local       地元の、各駅停車の

location    位置、場所

lot   (土地の)一区画、地区

move    引っ越す

outside 外側の、外部の

park       ()駐車する/公園

place     場所/()置く

playground  遊び場、運動場


stadium   競技場、スタジアム

stair       (階段の)一段、階段

step       歩み、一歩

theatre 劇場

visitor    客、訪問者

Flashcards are available for Windsor Eikaiwa students.
