英語の勉強法 – 考えすぎないで!

Hi everyone, today my advice to you is……don’t fight it! Just accept that the English language is different from yours and your life will be much simpler.

A student of mine asked me recently why we don’t use a/an in front of the words breakfast, lunch, and dinner and my honest answer was that I didn’t really know but that is best to just remember that as a set and not think too much about it.

As  a teacher, I do get asked questions that I can’t immediately answer, so I usually check them out and answer at the next lesson or later in the day, but sometimes the answer is simply to not think to deeply about it and just memorise it as it is.

I remember having the same problem with Japanese grammar when I learned
「山に登る」 for the for first time and being really frustrated because it didn’t make any sense to my English brain, surely it must be「 山を登る」 is what I thought and the whole Japanese language just seemed like a complete nightmare to me.

Luckily for me, my teacher was very direct and told me to stop asking her questions about why the grammar is like that and why we say this and that . She told me to just accept it and stop complaining all the time!

And that is my advice to you today too, sometimes there is no point in looking for an explanation, there is no need, because it is what it is, and that is that.

Of course in our lessons we will teach you why we use certain grammar when it is necessary, the same for spelling and idioms in English, which can be thoroughly confusing sometimes, and we will try our best to answer all of your questions for you but the English language is pretty big, over a million words and growing, so sometimes it really is best not to fight it!

Give it a try.

P.S.  Even after extensive research I never found the answer to the breakfast, lunch, and dinner question.

英語の勉強法 – 考えすぎないで!


私が教えている生徒さんに最近「なんでbreakfast, lunch, and dinnerにa/anがつかないの」と聞かれました。私も正直その答えを知りません。ただ、それはあまり深く考えず、セットとして覚えることが良いことです。







P.S 結構breakfast, lunch, and dinnerについて調べましたが、結局答えを見つける事は出来ませんでした。

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