「putting something on ice」ってどういう意味?氷の上に置く?! - 延期する

putting something on ice」というイディオムは様々な文脈で遭遇することがありますが、特にビジネスでよく使われます。
このブログでは、「putting something on ice」の意味を探求し、例文や類似フレーズについてもご紹介していきます。


「Putting Something on Ice」の意味

put something on ice」とは、何かを延期する、遅らせる、決断を保留にする、または活動や計画を一時的に停止することを意味します。
つまり、計画や決定を「on ice」にし、それらをより適した時期のために保存しているというわけです。

After much deliberation, Kensington Kids Academy decided to put the new project on ice until after the end of the academic year.

We've put our travel plans to Oita and Kumamoto on ice due to the unexpected weather conditions in Kyushu.

The proposal was very interesting, but we had to put it on ice until we had dealt with some more pressing issues first.

「Putting Something on Ice」の類似フレーズ

put something on ice」の代わりに使える表現もたくさんあります。

Hold off


Let's hold off on making any decisions until we have all the necessary information.



Due to the teacher’s busy schedule, the lesson has been postponed to next week.

Put on hold


We're putting our plans for a new school in Hakata on hold until next year.

ケンジントン英会話の「Putting Something on Ice」



以上で「putting something on ice」という表現の意味と使い方について、できるだけ包括的にご説明しました。
putting something on ice」や、このブログでご紹介した類似の表現は、特にビジネスシーンや多くの計画を立てるような状況でとてもよく使われています。


Freezing our plans! What does “putting something on ice” mean?

Idioms are a very important part of the English language especially as English learning students advance to intermediate or more advanced stages. “ Putting something on ice” can be encountered in various contexts but is more often used in business situations. In this blog we will explore its meaning, give examples of how to use and introduce some similar expressions. 

Meaning of "Putting Something on Ice"

To "put something on ice" means to postpone or delay something, to hold off on making a decision, or to temporarily halt an activity or plan. The idiom draws from the literal action of putting something in a cold place to preserve it for future use. Similarly, when we put plans or decisions "on ice," we are preserving them for a more suitable time.

Example Sentences

  • "After much deliberation, Kensington Kids Academy decided to put the new project on ice until after the end of the academic year.”

  • "We've put our travel plans to Oita and Kumamoto on ice due to the unexpected weather conditions in Kyushu."

  • "The proposal was very interesting, but we had to put it on ice until we had dealt with some more pressing issues first.."

Words Similar to "Putting Something on Ice" and Example Sentences

There are many other expressions we could use instead of “put something on ice”. Some very common ones are:

Hold off
: To delay doing something or to wait before taking action.
Ex.: "Let's hold off on making any decisions until we have all the necessary information."

: To decide that something will not be done at the time when it was planned for, but at a later time.
Ex: "Due to the teacher’s busy schedule, the lesson has been postponed to next week."

Put on hold
: Temporarily stop or delay an action, project, or decision, intending to resume or revisit it at a later time
Ex. "We're putting our plans for a new school in Hakata on hold until next year."

Putting things on Ice in Kensington

Our school was founded 10 years ago in 2014, one of the reasons we have survived for this long is our focus on continuous improvement. With an unwithering focus on improvement, one of the things I found out over the years as the school leader was that we can’t possibly follow through every good idea we had, and that meant that we had to prioritize ideas and projects with the highest potential. Eventually putting things on ice became a very important part of the evolution of our school and it’s a very important part of our school management even now. 


There you have it, a hopefully comprehensive explanation of what “putting something on ice” means together with some good examples. This expression together with some similar expressions introduced in this blog are pretty common in the English speaking world, especially in business situations or any other situations where people make a lot of plans.