Have a Great 2015!!! - ウィンザー英会話からよいお年を








‏電話対応の英会話 - ビジネス英会話でよく使う表現 No.6



give someone a call    に電話をかける
call someone    に電話する
Good morning, Windsor Eikaiwa, Tim speaking, how may I help you?    おはようございます、ウィンザー英会話、ティムです。どのようなご用件でしょうか。
I'd like to talk to Mr. Jones please.    ジョーンズさんをお願いしたいのですが。
Wait a moment, please. I'll put you through    お繋ぎしますので、少々お待ち下さい。
I'm calling regarding your last order.    前回承りましたご注文の件で、お電話差し上げております。
I'm afraid he's not available at the moment    .あいにくですが、ただ今電話に出られません。
Can I take a message?    ご伝言を承りましょうか。
Would you like to leave a message?    ご伝言を承りましょうか。
Could you please tell him to call me back?    折り返しお電話下さいますよう、お伝え願えますか。
Can I have your name and phone number please?    お名前とお電話番号を頂けますか。
I'll let him know you called.    お電話がありましたとお伝えしておきます。
Could you please repeat that?    復唱していただけますか。

ビジネス英会話でよく使う表現 No.5

Here are 5 very useful idioms that are used in everyday business English. Have you heard any?


give (someone) the green light

- to give someone permission to go ahead or proceed with something

The manager gave a green light to his team to explore new ideas to expand their business.


- 人に、物事に取り掛かったり、物事を進めたりする許しを与えること


in the works

- to be in preparation, to be in the process of being planned or developed

I sense something exciting being in the works in Kensington Eikaiwa.


- 準備中であること、計画や発展の過程にあること


make a cold call

- to visit or telephone a potential but unknown customer

We received a cold call from a finance company concerning refinancing.


- 知らない見込み客を訪ねたり、電話をかけたりすること


run a meeting

- to conduct a meeting

He couldn’t really run a meeting very well so he was eventually replaced as the meeting chair.


- 会議を実施する


work out

- to prove effective or successful:

I do not believe that the new plan is going to work out as planned; we may have to start considering alternative solutions.


- 効果的である・成功であるとわかる



American English Spelling and British English Spelling


 There are quite a few differences in British and American spelling. In British English the spelling of words absorbed by other languages (Latin or Greek) has in many cases been kept intact while Americans in many cases changed the spelling to better reflect the pronunciation of the word.


 Here are three notable differences:


 1) Words ending with –our / -or

Most words ending in an unstressed –our in British English end in –or in American English.

UK : Colour/ flavour/ harbour/ labour/ neighbour/ rumour

US: Color/ flavor/ harbor/ labor / neighbor / rumor

1) 語尾 -our -or 

イギリス英語では強勢の置かれない -our で終わる単語が、アメリカ英語では -or で終わることがほとんどです。



 2) Words ending with –re / -er

UK spellings favour “-re” endings while American variations favour “-er”

UK : theatre/ centre/ litre/ metre/ calibre

US: theater / center / liter / meter / caliber

2) 語尾 -re -er

イギリス式綴りでは、語尾を "-re" とするのが好まれるのに対し、アメリカ式綴りでは、"-er" が好まれます。



3) –ise / -ize

American spelling avoids -ise endings in words like prioritise, realize and recognize. British mostly use the –ise ending though the –ize is also used at times.

UK: analyse /organise/ prioritise / realise/ recognise

US: analyze /organize/ prioritize / realize/ recognize

3) -ise と -ize

 アメリカ式綴りでは、prioritiseのように、単語の語末を -se とすることが避けられ、realize、recognizeのように綴られます。イギリス英語では、ほとんどの場合 -ise が語末に使われますが、 -ize が使われる場合もたまにあります。




My 5 favourite books


I love reading;  I try to read a little every day regardless how busy or tired I may be. I find it soothing, beneficial to my language and to my thinking. I also think it is of great benefit to language acquisition and that’s why I always recommend my students read in English as much as they can.


Now to get back to my list, my 5 favourite books are:


5) Life and Fate – Vasily Grossman

5) 人生と運命 — ワシーリー・グロスマン

A devastating depiction of Stalin’s Russia. The book covers countless different characters and offers a panoramic view of the Soviet society. I loved it’s realism and even though it was essentially a very dark tale with every act of heroism or kindness eventually crushed by the totalitarian state, it gripped me from start to finish.


A chronicle of the past century’s two evil engines of destruction-Soviet communism and German fascism-the novel is dark yet earns its right to depression. But it depresses in the way that all genuinely great art does-through an unflinching view of the truth, which includes all the awfulness of which human beings are capable and also the splendour to which in crises they can attain. A great book, a masterpiece, Life and Fate is a book only a Russian could write.

—Joseph Epstein, The Wall Street Journal

前世紀における破壊をもたらした、2つの邪悪な原動力 — ソビエト共産主義とドイツファシズム — の年代記であり、陰鬱ではあるものの、その陰鬱さを認められて然るべき小説である。しかし、その陰鬱さをもたらす手法は、本質的に偉大な作品全てがとるものであり — すなわち、真実への断固たる視線であり、真実とは人間が許容しうるだけのひどさのみならず、危機的状況の中で人間が獲得しうる、光り輝く素晴らしさをも全て包含するものである。秀作・名作である『人生と運命』は、ロシア人のみが著しうるものである。

— ジョゼフ・エプスタイン、ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル

4) Catch 22 - Joseph Heller

4) キャッチ=22 — ジョーゼフ・ヘラー

Brilliantly and hilariously written, with all the humanity and moral strength of a man who understands war, Heller's novel is a modern classic that is rightly studied in schools throughout the world. 

—about education



It’s also the funniest novel I have ever read. A fierce damnation of the cruelty, selfishness and madness of war but also the only book I remember making me laugh out loud so many times. So many memorable characters in surreal situations, with the main character being one of my favourite fictional characters and whom I came to love so much as to actually consider naming my child after him. Unfortunately his name was Yossarian, I have a daughter and the very idea of it made my wife really really mad.


3) The remains of a day – Kazuo Ishiguro

3) 日の名残り — カズオ・イシグロ

Could one of the most quintessential British novels of our time have been written by a man named Kazuo Ishiguro? Well, it could and it did. Mr. Ishiguro was born in Nagasaki and moved with his family to Britain when he was 5. Is he British, is he Japanese? Who cares? he’s a damn fine writer and he wrote a damn fine book.


Kazuo Ishiguro's third novel, ''The Remains of the Day,'' is a dream of a book: a beguiling comedy of manners that evolves almost magically into a profound and heart-rending study of personality, class and culture.

—New York Times



2) Bring up the bodies – Hilary Mantel

2) 罪人を召し出せ — ヒラリー・マンテル

A book about the Tudors and a period of British history that I have very little interest in. I also happened to know how many of the characters’ stories would end (hint: not very well). However old and retold its subject was, this was one the freshest , most engaging and most marvellously written books I’ve ever read.


1) Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World – Haruki Murakami

1) 世界の終わりとハードボイルド・ワンダーランド — 村上春樹

For last I left my favourite writer. I love Haruki Murakami and I could pick from a number of his books as my favourite but this one was the first of his books that I read and also just happens to be, in my humble opinion, one of his best.  A dreamy surreal book that is filled with strange characters, intelligent ideas  and dry wit.


ビジネス英会話でよく使う表現 No.4

Some very commonly used Business English Expressions.


bottom line
1.      the central issue of a discussion, the main point
1. 議論の中心となる点、論点
2.      the final total of an account or balance sheet
2. 勘定書や貸借対照表の最終合計

The bottom line is that if we don’t get some customers soon, we will need to lay off some personnel.
The company’s new policy had a dramatic effect on its bottom line.

Cut corners
to try to cut costs

Many companies were forced to cut corners during the aftermath of the Lehman shock.

Cut one’s losses
abandon a course of action that is clearly going to be unprofitable or unsuccessful before one suffers more loss or harm.

After years of trying to grow his business English school, John decided to cut his losses and pursue a different career.

liquid assets
property or belongings that can easily be converted into cash

Cash is the most liquid asset of all as it can be “sold” for goods and services instantly with no loss of value.

put (someone) on hold
to temporarily disconnect someone from the telephone

I phoned the bank but I was put on hold for 15 minutes before I could ever talk to anyone.

TOEIC単語リスト・旅行関連の重要単語カード No.2

Here are some more essential words for beginner and lower intermediate TOEIC students related to travel.


 reach 到着する、達する

reserve    取っておく、予約する

ride 乗る、乗って行く

safe 安全な、無事な

sail 航海する

stay とどまる/滞在

stop 止める、やめる

terminal   終点の/終着地

ticket     切符、入場券、乗車券

train 電車/[]教育する

transfer   乗り換える/乗り換え

transportation  輸送(機関)、交通(機関)

travel     旅行する/旅行

trip 旅行、短い距離の移動

vacation   休暇、休日

visit      訪問する/訪問

 As always please don’t forget that Windsor Eikaiwa students can access the full set of words and also access our flashcards to more effectively remember the vocabulary.


TOEIC単語リスト・旅行関連の重要単語カード No.1

Here is a sample of some essential words for beginner and lower intermediate TOEIC students related to travel.


 abroad     []外国で()、海外で()

agency     機関、代理店

baggage    (旅行用)手荷物(=luggage)

book (座席/部屋/切符などを)予約する

cancel     取り消す、解約する

depart     出発する

destination     目的地、行先

fare 運賃、(乗物の)料金

flight     飛ぶこと、飛行便

fly  飛ぶ、(飛行機で)行く

guide 案内する/案内者

information     情報、資料

journey    旅行

 As always please don’t forget that Windsor Eikaiwa students can access the full set of words and also access our flashcards to more effectively remember the vocabulary.


TOEIC単語リスト・ビジネス関連の重要単語カード No.2

Here are some  more essential words for beginner and lower intermediate TOEIC students related to business.


firm        会社、企業

form      書式、申込用紙、形

formal   正式の、公式の

industry         産業

market 市場/市場で販売する

order     注文する/順序、命令

organization     組織、団体

postpone        延期する

product        製品

profit     利益、収益

project 計画、企画

run         走る/経営する

service  勤務、業務

As always please don't forget that Windsor Eikaiwa students can access the full set of words and also access our flashcards to more effectively remember the vocabulary.



Here is a sample of some essential words for beginner and lower intermediate TOEIC students related to the office and office life.


call          電話をかける/電話

colleague             同僚、仲間

commute            通勤する

construction       工場、建築

co-worker           同僚、協力者

document           文書、書類

efficiently            効率的に

equipment         備品、設備、装置

facility               設備

floor                  床、階

invoice      送り状、請求明細書

reception            受付、宴会

reply          返事をする/返事

rule           規則/支配する

section       会社の部門[課/部]

security            安全、警備

Windsor Eikaiwa students can access the full set of words and also access our flashcards to more effectively remember the vocabulary.
