「white collar」ってどういう意味?白い襟?! - 事務職、事務労働

ウィンザー英会話ブログ:「white collar」ってどういう意味?白い襟?! - 事務職、事務労働

「white collar」の意味

「white collar」とは、一般的にはオフィス勤務で、専門的、管理的、または事務的な役割を担っている個人を指します。


時間の経過とともに、「white collar worker」という言葉は特定の職業カテゴリを表すように進化しました。


「white collar」を使った例文

ウィンザー英会話ブログ:「white collar」ってどういう意味?白い襟?! - 事務職、事務労働

「white collar worker」という言葉は、これらの専門的かつ行政的な役割に従事する個人を表すために一般的に使われます。


He is a white collar worker at a multinational company.

Throughout the 20th century most of this company’s white collar workers were Kyushu university graduates.

「white collar」の使用頻度

「white collar」と「blue collar」という用語の歴史的な使い方を観察するには、Google Books Ngram Viewer を見てみてください。



White collar worker refers to individuals employed in professional, managerial, or administrative roles, typically in office-based settings. The term "white collar" originated from the distinction between the attire worn by different types of workers.

In the past, workers were categorized based on the color of the collars on their shirts. Blue-collar workers, such as those in manual labor or industrial jobs, would wear resistant fabrics of darker colors (e.g. blue denim or blue uniforms). One possible reason for that would be that their clothes would usually get dirty at work and washing them frequently would be impractical.

In contrast, white-collar workers, engaged in non-manual and administrative work, would wear shirts with white collars. Over time, the term "white collar worker" has evolved to represent a particular occupational category.

White-collar jobs often involve tasks related to management, administration, finance, and professional services. Such workers typically work in professional settings like offices, government institutions, corporations, educational institutions etc.


We commonly use the term "white collar worker" to describe individuals employed in these professional and administrative roles. Here are a couple of examples:

Ex 1: He is a white collar worker at a multinational company.
Ex 2: Throughout the 20th century most of this company’s white collar workers were Kyushu university graduates.

Usage through time

To observe the historical usage of the term "white collar” and “blue collar”, you can explore this link. This will help you see how its usage has evolved over time, reflecting changes in the nature of work and the structure of the job market. Both terms peaked at about 1980, probably indicating the subsequent declining need for such distinctions in the market as technology continues to replace many of the jobs previously done by blue collar workers.