「go on holiday」「go on a trip」の意味 - 旅行に行く【例文つきで解説】

ウィンザー英会話ブログ:「go on holiday」「go on a trip」の意味 - 旅行に行く【例文つきで解説】

よく生徒さんたちは、「旅行に行く」を日本語から直訳して「go to trip」と言ってしまいます。
正しい表現は「go on a trip」または「go on holiday」です(「go on vacation」でも大丈夫です)。

「go on …」のよくある使い方と表現

ウィンザー英会話ブログ:「go on holiday」「go on a trip」の意味 - 旅行に行く【例文つきで解説】

go on a …」という表現は、英語でさまざまなアクティビティや旅行、体験を述べるのによく使われます。


go on a trip (旅行に行く) * 様々なバリエーションが使えます。例:go on a school trip, business trip, company trip, anniversary trip など
go on a picnic (ピクニックに行く)
go on a cruise (クルーズ旅行に行く)
go on a date (デートに行く)
go on a walk (散歩に行く)
go on a strike (ストライキを行う)

「go on holiday」「go on a trip」を使った例文

ウィンザー英会話ブログ:「go on holiday」「go on a trip」の意味 - 旅行に行く【例文つきで解説】

「go on holiday」や「go on a trip」を自然に使った例文をご紹介します。

Many students study English in our school because they are planning to go on a foreign trip.

When I was a high school student I went on a school trip to Australia.

My friend came to Fukuoka on a business trip last week so we went to Daimyo to have dinner together.

I’m planning to go on holiday somewhere in the summer. What’s a good place to go?




「旅行に行く」は英語で「go on a trip」または「go on holiday」と表現されます(「go on vacation」も別の完全に許容される選択肢です)。
go on a …」の正しい使い方とその多くの用途を理解することで、「行動や旅行に乗り出す」という考えを相手に伝えることができるようになります。


How do we say  ”旅行に行く” in English?

Hey there everyone. Today we are going to talk about something that many of my students get wrong. Many times my students translate directly ”旅行に行く” from Japanese into “go to trip”. In fact, that is incorrect English. The correct expressions to use is “go on a trip” or “go on holiday”, (Go on vacation is also totally fine)

General Usage and Expressions using “go on …”

The phrase "go on a" is commonly used in English to describe various activities, trips, or experiences. It is typically employed when you want to convey the idea of embarking on a specific action or journey. Here are some instances when you would use "go on a":

  • go on a trip (There are many variations you could use, EX. go on a school trip, business trip, company trip, anniversary trip etc…)

  • go on a picnic

  • go on a cruise

  • go on a date

  • go on a walk

  • go on a strike

Examples sentences using “go on holiday”, “go on a trip” 

Here are some natural ways to use “go on holiday” and “go on a trip” in a sentence.

  • Many students study English in our school because they are planning to go on a foreign trip. 

  • When I was a high school student I went on a school trip to Australia. 

  • My friend came to Fukuoka on a business trip last week so we went to Daimyo to have dinner together. 

  • I’m planning to go on holiday somewhere in the summer. What’s a good place to go?

Going on holiday this year

My family and I love going on holiday, we always try to escape our hectic lifestyles a few times a year and refresh. This year my daughter entered junior high school so it was harder for us to go on trips than before because she didn’t want to miss any days off school. It’s been a little bit sad for me not to be able to go on holiday as much as I would like to, but I’m happy (and surprised!) that my daughter is so diligent. 

In conclusion, the phrase "旅行に行く" in English is correctly expressed as "go on a trip" or "go on holiday" (with "go on vacation" being another perfectly acceptable option). While it's common for learners to make the direct translation mistake, understanding the correct usage of "go on a" and its many applications opens up many useful expressions especially for conveying the idea of embarking on a specific action or journey. Happy learning everyone!