「Merry Christmas」と「Happy Holidays」の違い【クリスマスで使える英語】

「Merry Christmas」と「Happy Holidays」の違い【クリスマスで使える英語】

12月にクリスマスに向けて盛り上がる時期には、「Happy Holidays」と「Merry Christmas」という2つのフレーズがよく使われ、人々がクリスマスの挨拶を交わします。
このブログでは、「Happy Holidays」と「Merry Christmas」の違いと、英語圏のさまざまな地域での使い方について探ります。

イギリスでは「Merry Christmas」

「Merry Christmas」と「Happy Holidays」の違い【クリスマスで使える英語】

イギリスでは「Merry Christmas」はクリスマスの日の定番の挨拶です。
イギリス人にとって「Merry Christmas」は祝祭の喜びを広める強い伝統があります。

アメリカでは「Happy Holidays」

「Merry Christmas」と「Happy Holidays」の違い【クリスマスで使える英語】

対照的に、アメリカやカナダでは、「Merry Christmas」はあなたが思うほど一般的に使われていません。
そのため、より包括的な挨拶である「Happy Holidays」が好まれます。
Happy Holidays」はあらゆる背景を持つ人々、さらには特定の宗教に所属していない人々も受け入れます。

海外での「Happy Holidays」

「Merry Christmas」と「Happy Holidays」の違い【クリスマスで使える英語】

アメリカ、カナダ、または多様性が歓迎される地域でクリスマス以外の祝祭日のシーズンを過ごす場合でも、「Happy Holidays」が、その包括的な伝統を尊重しようとする上で最も安全なフレーズかもしれません。

私にとっては、「Happy Holidays」も「Merry Christmas」も、誰かの信仰や背景に関わらず、どちらも完全に受け入れられる挨拶です。

みなさん、Merry Christmas!(またはHappy Holidays!)



Christmas is just around the corner and it’s usually a very important season for many English speakers. In December during the build up to Christmas, two phrases are heard frequently as people exchange good wishes for the holiday season: "Happy Holidays" and "Merry Christmas". In this article, we'll explore the differences between the two popular greetings and how they are used in different parts of the English-speaking world.

"Merry Christmas" in the UK

In the UK, "Merry Christmas" is the go-to greeting for Christmas Day. It's a phrase that's exchanged not only between friends and family but also among strangers on the street and between shop staff and customers. The British have a strong tradition of using "Merry Christmas" to spread holiday cheer.

"Happy Holidays" in America

In contrast, in the United States and in Canada, "Merry Christmas" isn't as commonly used as you might expect. The reason behind this is the diverse cultural and religious landscape of the country. While Christmas is a Christian holiday, the U.S. is home to people of various nationalities and faiths, many of whom do not celebrate Christmas. Therefore, the more inclusive greeting of "Happy Holidays" is preferred. It embraces people of all backgrounds and even those who do not associate with any particular religion.

Using "Happy Holidays" Abroad

If you find yourself spending the holiday season in the United States, Canada, or any place where diversity is celebrated, using "Happy Holidays" is probably the safest phrase to use to try and show respect for their inclusive traditions. 
Personally I love Christmas, it’s by far my favourite time of the year and I always think and plan ahead for it. As I’m writing this blog it’s Nov 11th and I’m already super excited for Christmas. For me either Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas are perfectly acceptable greetings regardless of someone’s faith or background. But unlike some people, I don’t see Christmas as a religious holiday, far from it actually, I see Christmas as something like Halloween, an event where we can have fun doing some silly stuff. I hope everyone enjoys the festive season and……

Merry Christmas to everyone! (or Happy Holidays!)
