



「明けましておめでとうございます」は、どんな状況でも英語で「Happy New Year」と言えるので簡単です。
日本語と同じように、「Happy New Year」と言われたら「Happy New Year」と返事をします。

ジェイミー:Hey Tim, Happy New Year!

ティム:Happy New Year! I hope you have a fantastic 2023.
(明けましておめでとう! 2023年が素晴らしい年になりますように。) 

「Happy New Year」の後に言える表現はたくさんありますが、それについては別のブログで取り上げたいと思います。
上の例文の場合、ティムは「I hope you have a fantastic 2023.」と言いました。
「you」の部分を「you and your family」または「you and yours」に変えることもできます。
「you and your family」と「you and yours」は基本的には同じ意味です。





「Happy New Year」に続けて、相手に何か良いことを望む言葉や期待する言葉を言うだけです。

Happy New Year John, I wish you and your family a wonderful new year.



Happy New Year Richard, I’m looking forward to working together in the new year. 

Happy New Year Dennis, my team members and I are excited about what we can accomplish together in the new year.

[例1] では、リチャードに「looking forward to working together in the new year」と伝えています。

[例2] では、デニスに「excited about what we can accomplish together in the new year」と伝えています。

しかし、上記2つの例はいずれも、ビジネスオーナー(レストランのオーナーなど) が顧客に対して使うことはできないことにご注意ください。




Happy New Year and I wish you and yours all the best for 2023!


[English version]

「明けましておめでとうございます」in English

「明けましておめでとうございます」is easy to translate in English as it can be translated in any situation as “Happy New Year”. Same as in Japanese, both speakers usually repeat the same expression in English as in the following example:

Jaimie: Hey Tim, Happy New Year!

Tim: Happy New Year! I hope you have a fantastic 2023.

There are many expressions we could use after saying Happy New Year which we’ll cover in a different blog. In this case Tim said “I hope you have a fantastic 2023”. We could change “you” to “you and your family” or “you and yours”. Both “you and your family” and “you and yours” mean basically the same thing.

「今年もよろしくお願いします」in English

今年もよろしくお願いします basically means in Japanese that we would like to continue having a good relationship with the other party in the new year as well. It’s a very nice thing to convey to another person but it’s something that isn’t customary to say in English and thus tricky to translate. Also sometimes even in Japanese it doesn’t mean much and is just a customary thing to say at the beginning of the new year in which case we should definitely not try and translate it in English. 

「今年もよろしくお願いします」In casual situations

In this situation we just wouldn’t say it in English. We would just say “Happy New Year” and any other good thing we would wish or hope for the other party. 

Ex. Happy New Year John, I wish you and your family a wonderful new year. 

「今年もよろしくお願いします」In business situations

In this situation maybe we could translate「今年もよろしくお願いします」. Again what we say depends on the situation but we could say something as in the following two examples.

Ex.1 Happy New Year Richard, I’m looking forward to working together in the new year. 

Ex.2 Happy New Year Dennis, my team members and I are excited about what we can accomplish together in the new year. 

In Ex.1 we tell Richard that we are “looking forward to working together in the new year” so it could be a person in our company or a person we do business with in a different company. 

In Ex. 2 we tell Dennis that we are “excited about what we can accomplish together in the new year” and again we would say it to someone we work closely together in our company or to someone working in a partner company. 

Please keep in mind that none of the two examples above can be used by a business owner (ex. A restaurant owner) to a customer. 


In conclusion, when giving New Year greetings in English I think it’s best to use the customary expressions English speakers use and not try and translate 「今年もよろしくお願いします。」directly from Japanese unless there is something specific you would like to say to the other party about 2023 as in the business examples 1 and 2 above. 

Happy New Year and I wish you and yours all the best for 2023!